Friday, March 17, 2023

TREASURE CHEST OF FUN AND FACT "What can YOU do? Registered Professional Nurse (R.N)"

Want to see how the medical industry tried to lure impressionable Catholic grade school/junior high girls into becoming nurses?
Read this never-reprinted feature from Pflaum's Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact V14N12 (1958).
This story, by writer William Treon and artist Bill Martin, was part of an ongoing feature called What Can YOU do? which showed the training various professions including nursing, printing, office work, and carpentry required.
If you've never heard of it, Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact was s subscription-only bi-weekly comic distributed exclusively to Catholic schools during the school year (September-June) from 1946 to 1972.
Note: they tried a bi-weekly summertime edition mailed to subscribers' homes, but that was dropped after a couple of years.
The roster of established comics/juvenile fiction writers and artists who contributed to the title included Murphy Anderson, Bernard Baily, Ed Hunter, Graham Ingels, Ed Jurist, Jim Mooney, Joe Orlando, Clara Elsene Peck, Bob Powell, Sid Quinn, Joe Sinnott, and Ozella Welch.

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