Sunday, March 12, 2023

CoronaVirus Comics "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic" Conclusion

...following the CDC's guidelines for assembling an emergency preparedness kit and listening on the radio for instructions about where the nearest designated safe zone is...
It was all a dream???
Here I was, congratulating the CDC on a job well-done and they have to pull the ultimate cliche out of their butts?
And how can someone dream about simultaneous events in other locations (like CDC headquarters) involving people he/she has never met?
I'll let it go since it does serve the purpose of informing the public in an entertaining manner!
But if this were an episode of Walking Dead...
At this point, I'd link you to the CDC's page providing related materials...except it no longer exists...on the CDC website!
However...the legendary Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive did preserve the now-deleted section of the site!
So... read up on how to prepare for any pandemic (and download some kool stuff!)

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