Friday, March 24, 2023

MAD "Failing Health Magazine"

Let's make fun of real-life horror... showing those who over-react to the slightest medical problem (and some problems that don't really exist) in a never-reprinted feature from EC's MAD Magazine #159 (1973)!

Scripted by Tom Koch and illustrated by the legendary Jack Davis, this was the sort of spoof MAD did better than anybody else in the humor mag business!

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The only place this story's been re-presented, albeit in digital low-res!
(Make sure you get the revised 2012 version for as complete a collection as possible)

Friday, March 17, 2023

TREASURE CHEST OF FUN AND FACT "What can YOU do? Registered Professional Nurse (R.N)"

Want to see how the medical industry tried to lure impressionable Catholic grade school/junior high girls into becoming nurses?
Read this never-reprinted feature from Pflaum's Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact V14N12 (1958).
This story, by writer William Treon and artist Bill Martin, was part of an ongoing feature called What Can YOU do? which showed the training various professions including nursing, printing, office work, and carpentry required.
If you've never heard of it, Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact was s subscription-only bi-weekly comic distributed exclusively to Catholic schools during the school year (September-June) from 1946 to 1972.
Note: they tried a bi-weekly summertime edition mailed to subscribers' homes, but that was dropped after a couple of years.
The roster of established comics/juvenile fiction writers and artists who contributed to the title included Murphy Anderson, Bernard Baily, Ed Hunter, Graham Ingels, Ed Jurist, Jim Mooney, Joe Orlando, Clara Elsene Peck, Bob Powell, Sid Quinn, Joe Sinnott, and Ozella Welch.

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The First Newsstand Comic Dedicated to the Medical Profession!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

CoronaVirus Comics "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic" Conclusion

...following the CDC's guidelines for assembling an emergency preparedness kit and listening on the radio for instructions about where the nearest designated safe zone is...
It was all a dream???
Here I was, congratulating the CDC on a job well-done and they have to pull the ultimate cliche out of their butts?
And how can someone dream about simultaneous events in other locations (like CDC headquarters) involving people he/she has never met?
I'll let it go since it does serve the purpose of informing the public in an entertaining manner!
But if this were an episode of Walking Dead...
At this point, I'd link you to the CDC's page providing related materials...except it no longer exists...on the CDC website!
However...the legendary Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive did preserve the now-deleted section of the site!
So... read up on how to prepare for any pandemic (and download some kool stuff!)

Saturday, March 11, 2023

CoronaVirus Comics "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic" Part 2's a pandemic that causes the infected to become zombies!
Do we really have to explain that?
It's not like zombies haven't become pop culture mainstays or anything like that!
But fear not!
Snark aside, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are on the case...
Mind you, the CDC does not advise you to drive recklessly, but, under the circumstances, it'll be forgiven!
Will our unnamed couple survive the zombie apocalypse due to being prepared by following CDC guidelines?
To Be Concluded

Friday, March 10, 2023

CoronaVirus Comics "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic" Part 1

While we're not facing a zombie pandemic...
...this comic, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presents good ideas for preparing for any pandemic, including the one we recently endured...and might experience again!
It's a clever use of the obsession with zombies currently permeating pop culture (and I say this as someone who saw the original Night of the Living Dead in a theatre on 42nd Street in NYC) to offer parallels between fictional and potentially-real situations, and showing how to prepare for them in an entertaining way!
(I say this as someone who saw the original Night of the Living Dead in a theatre on 42nd Street in NYC and wondered what took the rest of the world to catch up!)
To Be Continued

Friday, March 3, 2023

EH! "Young Dr Baloney!"

This parody is based on Young Dr Malone, a long-running radio (and TV) soap opera...

...about a handsome (and married) doctor who nurses and patients alike constantly lusted after!
Young Doctor Malone had a long run on radio (1939-60) which overlapped the TV version (1958-63).
Because both series aired daily Monday to Friday, the two incarnations had different casts and ongoing plotlines!
(Some series which ran weekly, like Dragnet, used the same cast members in both versions)
The show's creators/producers Betty and Ted Corday, later conceived and produced TV's Days of Our Lives, one of the few soap operas still on the air!
This spoof from Charlton's Eh! (1953), one of the many MAD comic clones of the era, was illustrated by Dick Ayers and likely written by the book's editor, Al Fago!

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STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......