Friday, February 25, 2022

Military Medicine FIGHTIN' ARMY "Medic!"

As the Ukraine invasion began, we realized we hadn't done a story about...
...medical personnel under fire during wartime!
So let's correct that oversight with a Korean War tale...with a twist!
See if you can guess what it is...
Notes: though Comics Code-approved, the story does contain a couple of racist slurs, so may be NSFW and or NSFS!
The cover is a modified version of the story's first page.
This was done a lot at Charlton, as the company was notoriously cheap, and "cut corners" whenever they could...including paying for new art for the cover!
Figure it out?
The words conscientious objector and conchie should have been the tip-off!
Though set during the Korean War, this story from Charlton's Fightin' Army #100, illustrated (and probably written) by Jack Keller, was created and published in 1971...near the end of the Vietnam War!
As war comics' sales in the late 1960s and early 1970s dropped, the younger creatives did what younger creatives in movies and TV were doing, making World War II and Korean War stories without the classic "gung-ho" attitude and more of the contemporary "war is crazy!" and "why are we doing this?" approach, such as M*A*S*H*, Kelly's Heroes and Catch-22!
It's also only one of three war comics I've found with a medic or doctor on the cover!
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