Friday, February 18, 2022

CoronaVirus Comics THE VITALS: TRUE NURSE STORIES "Story Three: Smiling Eyes"

Here's a tale from the patient's point of view...

...showing the extraordinary lengths nurses go through for those they care for!
"Above and beyond the call of duty!"
Though there aren't medals for them, nurses are heroes (and/or heroines)!
Never forget it!

Marvel Comics collaborated with Allegheny Health Network (AHN) to celebrate real-life healthcare heroes through a comic book about real-life nurses and their heroism.

Each character and story stems from the experiences of real people who provide healthcare throughout AHN’s 13 hospital facilities in Western Pennsylvania, serving as amalgams of the dozens of nurses who shared their stories.
The limited-print run comic books are distributed to patients for free throughout AHN hospitals, with an e-reader version available on
This tale of the never-ending struggle is written by Sean Ryan, and illustrated by Mirko Colak.
Next month, we'll start presenting tales from another Vitals book: True EMS Stories!

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