Friday, February 25, 2022

Military Medicine FIGHTIN' ARMY "Medic!"

As the Ukraine invasion began, we realized we hadn't done a story about...
...medical personnel under fire during wartime!
So let's correct that oversight with a Korean War tale...with a twist!
See if you can guess what it is...
Notes: though Comics Code-approved, the story does contain a couple of racist slurs, so may be NSFW and or NSFS!
The cover is a modified version of the story's first page.
This was done a lot at Charlton, as the company was notoriously cheap, and "cut corners" whenever they could...including paying for new art for the cover!
Figure it out?
The words conscientious objector and conchie should have been the tip-off!
Though set during the Korean War, this story from Charlton's Fightin' Army #100, illustrated (and probably written) by Jack Keller, was created and published in 1971...near the end of the Vietnam War!
As war comics' sales in the late 1960s and early 1970s dropped, the younger creatives did what younger creatives in movies and TV were doing, making World War II and Korean War stories without the classic "gung-ho" attitude and more of the contemporary "war is crazy!" and "why are we doing this?" approach, such as M*A*S*H*, Kelly's Heroes and Catch-22!
It's also only one of three war comics I've found with a medic or doctor on the cover!
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Best of the Best American War Comics
Featuring DC, Timely/Atlas/Marvel, EC, Harvey, Fawcett, Quality, Warren, etc.

Friday, February 18, 2022

CoronaVirus Comics THE VITALS: TRUE NURSE STORIES "Story Three: Smiling Eyes"

Here's a tale from the patient's point of view...

...showing the extraordinary lengths nurses go through for those they care for!
"Above and beyond the call of duty!"
Though there aren't medals for them, nurses are heroes (and/or heroines)!
Never forget it!

Marvel Comics collaborated with Allegheny Health Network (AHN) to celebrate real-life healthcare heroes through a comic book about real-life nurses and their heroism.

Each character and story stems from the experiences of real people who provide healthcare throughout AHN’s 13 hospital facilities in Western Pennsylvania, serving as amalgams of the dozens of nurses who shared their stories.
The limited-print run comic books are distributed to patients for free throughout AHN hospitals, with an e-reader version available on
This tale of the never-ending struggle is written by Sean Ryan, and illustrated by Mirko Colak.
Next month, we'll start presenting tales from another Vitals book: True EMS Stories!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Which Way, My Heart?" Conclusion

Nurse Mary Robin realizes Dr Will Ames, the handsome doctor she's working with (and crushing on) doesn't feel the same for her!
So she switches to another department and throws herself into her work.
But fate has something in store for her...
Apparently, just a glance from Dr Will can still cause Nurse Mary to lose her train of thought!
What next?
Another tale from the Private Diary of Mary Robin, R.N. will appear next month!
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Friday, February 11, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Which Way, My Heart?" Part 1

It ain't easy being an RN in a great metropolitan hospital... this splash panel proves!
After all, doesn't she already love a doctor she works with?
A quandary indeed!

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Friday, February 4, 2022

Classics Illustrated NEGRO AMERICANS "Daniel Hale Williams"

A Black doctor was the first to do a then-radical surgical procedure that changed medical history!

...and this is his story!
Illustrated by Norman Nodel, this story is from the never-reprinted Classics Illustrated #169 (1969), subtitled Negro Americans: the Early Years!
Dr Williams is on the cover (also by Norman Nodel) along with Harriet Tubman, Booker T Washington and other historical Black figures...
...though, sadly, he's still the least famous of all of them...and the smallest one on the cover!
Curiously, this was the final issue of the legendary title's original run!
We can only speculate as to why...
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Blacks in Medicine
Clinical, Demographic, and Socioeconomic Correlations

STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......