Friday, September 20, 2024

The Departure of LINDA CARTER and the Coming of...NIGHT NURSE!

We Have Already Seen the Coming of Linda Carter: Student Nurse...

(you were expecting Lynda Carter aka Wonder Woman?
We already did that visual joke twice!)
As of #9 in 1962 (above), Linda disappeared...and I mean totally-vanished!
That run's never been reprinted!
But it wasn't the end of Linda Carter in the Marvel Multiverse, folks!
A decade later, Marvel launched a trio of female lead characters in their own titles as superheroine The Cat, jungle girl Shanna the She-Devil, and Night Nurse all made their debuts within a month of each other!
The other two were totally-new characters, but Night Nurse was a sequel/semi-reboot of Linda Carter with a whole new supporting cast and an emphasis on "relevant" storylines within a hospital/soap-opera format similar to those on prime-time TV!
While not exactly an ensemble book (Linda was clearly the star), we got to see a lot more of her roommates' family and friends whose tales wove through the fabric of hospital life than the previous version!
Since the Comics Code had been loosened the previous year...
...storylines that had previously been forbidden...
...showing authority figures like doctors becoming drunk and endangering patients' lives could now be shown...
...along with the pickled physician facing relatively-real life consequences!
No "happy ending" here!
The third issue was an "urban crime" story popular in movies and TV of the early '70s.
But the sales on the first two issues were poor and the decision was made to cancel the book as of #4 in 1973.
So the creatives decided to try something really different...
...doing a contemporary gothic romance tale starring one of the supporting characters!
There was no interaction/crossover with any of the other Marvel characters in any of those issues, not did Linda or any of the cast appear (even as cameos) in any other Marvel title...until Marvel's Daredevil #80 (2006)...
Here's the intro...
Be Here Next Friday for...well...
Just Be HERE!

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