Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day in the Emergency Room SOUL LOVE "Dedicated Nurse"

This story is unique because it is presented from scans of the hand-drawn art...
...from Jack (King) Kirby's proposed 1970s b/w magazine Soul Love!
We would have presented pages from the printed comic/magazine the way we usually do...except it wasn't published...until very recently!
(We'll explain below!)
NSFW / NSFS is somewhat "politically incorrect"...but not for the reason you might think!
(Hey, look! A "Kirby Quote"!)
You'll note pages 5 and 6 aren't as "clean" as the other pages, which are scanned from the actual original art!
They're scanned from photocopies, which are the only versions I could acquire, but they're legible enough to "fill out" the tale!
(Oh, man! More "Kirby Quotes"!)
Written/penciled/edited by Jack Kirby and inked by Vince Colletta, the story takes the typical attitude of the period about overweight women, though Aleda's not actually obese.
(In fact, I was involved with a woman who had a similar body type, which I found extremely-appealing!)

You can read about the Soul Love magazine project by clicking HERE.
The Soul Love tales were finally published as a full-color comic book-style insert in 2020's Dingbat Love hardcover book, which we conveniently linked-to below!
Thanks to Kracalactaka for the scans.
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1 comment:

  1. The Dingbats cover is ironic. Left panel Kirby and right panel Royer are not in the same league as the great center panel by the often maligned Vince Colletta.


MODERN LOVE "They Wouldn't Let Me Love Him"

The "star-crossed lovers from different ethnic groups" trope applies...  ...even when when one of the lovers is a medical student ...