Friday, September 22, 2023


Dont worry, neurotic Mary Robin R.N., isn't back...
...but, since this tale does present a romantic triangle with a nurse at one corner, that's an understandable assessment!
Written by Gerry Conway, penciled by Alex Toth, and inked by Dick Giordano (using the pen name "Ric Dano"), this cover-featured, never-reprinted story of two sisters, a guy, and misunderstanding from DC's Secret Hearts #149 (1971) is typical of the romance genre.
BTW, the reason Giordano used a pen-name is that he was the editor of the book, and technically, an editor wasn't supposed to edit their own material...whether it was script or art!
But it happened a lot more frequently than most thought, mainly due to tight deadlines!

In October...
We Return to Weekly Posting for Our Annual
Be Here October 6th...if You DARE!

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