Friday, April 8, 2022

M.D. "To Fill the Bill"

The embarrassing and humiliating inability to pay medical bills due to lack of income is nothing new... this tale from over 75 years ago demonstrates!
This tale from EC's M.D. #1 (1955) is, sadly, as timely now as when it was created almost 80 years ago!
A union worker, who was making better than average money, still couldn't afford health insurance, likely since, in the context of the story, neither the company nor the union provided it.
This was common in post-World War II America, particularly in rural areas.
You can read more about it HERE.
With the decrease in both membership and influence of labor unions in the past couple of decades, the situation became even worse.
ObamaCare was intended to compensate for the lack of employer-provided care in these areas, but has been weakened by Republican Congressional legislation and Presidential executive orders.
It's slowly being restructured and revised to overcome these obstructions...hopefully before it's too late!
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