Friday, November 26, 2021

PATSY AND HEDY "Nursing Naughtiness"

Nursing shortages such as we're currently-experiencing are not new... this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Patsy & Hedy #49 (1957) demonstrates!
Patsy and Hedy were basically Betty and Veronica with Archie (played here by Robert "Buzz" Baxter) as a mere supporting character!
The emphasis was on the girls, not the guys in this book!
It was one of Timely/Atlas/Marvel's longest-lasting titles, surviving as a comic (with spin-off books) from 1945 to 1965.
The duo even popped up at Reed Richards and Sue Storm's wedding in Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965)!
Both have been featured characters in Marvel Comics ever since, with Patsy appearing in the Jessica Jones TV series!
But that's a story for another time...and blog!
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