Saturday, January 1, 2022

DOCTOR STRANGE "Eternity, Eternity" Conclusion was the end of 1968, New Year's Eve, to be exact.
After seeing a vision of the etherial Eternity changing into his old enemy, Nightmare, Dr Strange takes his alien love, Clea, to Times Square to experience New Year's Eve: New York City Style...where a pterodactyl crashes into the clock as it strikes midnight!
Yep, True Believer, it's another of Marvel's patented "continued stories"!
But our intent here is to present only the New Year's Eve part of the tale, since both parts have been reprinted recently.
So we're going to show you how Marvel itself got out of re-running the entire two-parter when it ran this tale from Doctor Strange #180 (1969) in Marvel Treasury Edition #8: Giant SuperHero Holiday Grab-Bag (1975)!
The editors took the Gene Colan penciled and inked presentation piece showing the finalized design for Doc's "superhero-style" costume that appeared as a pin-up in Doctor Strange #180...
...took out the final panel of the story and used the Doc figure with a new word balloon!

Sneaky, huh?
Written by Roy Thomas, penciled by Gene Colan, and inked by Tom Palmer, this tale is one of the koolest of the era's Dr Strange stories with pop culture references galore and accurate NYC locales!
The cover, btw is a combination of a Steve Ditko Eternity figure, a new Doctor Strange by Colan and Palmer and a New York City photo background (Marvel did several photo background covers during this period)
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...featuring this tale and it's continuation!

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