Friday, November 26, 2021

PATSY AND HEDY "Nursing Naughtiness"

Nursing shortages such as we're currently-experiencing are not new... this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Patsy & Hedy #49 (1957) demonstrates!
Patsy and Hedy were basically Betty and Veronica with Archie (played here by Robert "Buzz" Baxter) as a mere supporting character!
The emphasis was on the girls, not the guys in this book!
It was one of Timely/Atlas/Marvel's longest-lasting titles, surviving as a comic (with spin-off books) from 1945 to 1965.
The duo even popped up at Reed Richards and Sue Storm's wedding in Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965)!
Both have been featured characters in Marvel Comics ever since, with Patsy appearing in the Jessica Jones TV series!
But that's a story for another time...and blog!
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Friday, November 19, 2021

CITY SURGEON "Crash Victim" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...well, the cover text certainly explains most of it!
But what it doesn't tell us is that there's a government agent who doesn't care if the scientist long as the info in his head is transcribed first...and that the scientist has taken a turn for the worse...

Not to be cynical, but four months ago a drunk driver crashed through the front of a post office near me and they still haven't fixed it, just put plywood over it!
Things have certainly gone downhill in terms of infrastructure maintenance, eh?
Drawn by Jack Sparling, with the space program and spy elements attached, the one-shot City Suegeon (1963) from Gold Key reads like an unsold 1960s TV pilot!
Was it?
Since we don't know who the scripter is, it might well have been one!

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Friday, November 12, 2021

CITY SURGEON "Crash Victim" Part 1

We presented another story from this never-reprinted one-shot 1960s comic HERE...

...but this was the primary, cover-featured, tale, with everything from a plane crash to government-related intrigue!
To Be Concluded...

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Friday, November 5, 2021

TRAMP DOCTOR "vs Witch Doctor"

This atypical tale from Dell's Linda Lark: Registered Nurse #5 (1962) may be NSFW...
...due to the stereotypes of Pacific Islanders and "witch doctors".
You'll note in the final panel, there's a body on the ground, indicating Amok ingested some of the poisoned food he had given to Dr McCutchin, and he's either dead or dying.
It's odd that an island within swimming distance of a port still doesn't have even the basics of relatively-modern life, or even radio communication with the "outside world".
Isn't there some sort of regional government for the island group?
But, when the plot calls for it...I guess a lot of logical plot points are disregarded...

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