Friday, July 30, 2021

Sensation Comics DR PAT "Fatal Decoy!"

Once more, Dr Pat steps heroically "into the breach"...

...with her usual moxie and grit and other things nobody born after 1960 would recognize!
Sadly, this never-reprinted tale by writer Robert Kanigher and artist Bob Oksner from DC's Sensation Comics #106 (1951) marks the end of Dr Pat's adventures!
The book was revised into a mystery/fantasy title without any female lead charaters, including Wonder Woman who lost her equivalent to Superman's Action Comics and Batman's Detective Comics!
Except for reprints of the first two Dr Pat tales in the back of Lois Lane, Superman's Girl Friend during the early 1970s, Pat Windsor MD hasn't been seen by anybody in over a half-century!
We hope you've enjoyed her adventures as the first female doctor with an ongoing series in comic books.
As our new ongoing monthly series, we introduced the never-reprinted Tramp Doctor HERE.
Check him out when he returns in August!
Please Support Medical Comics!
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The First Newsstand Comic Dedicated to the Medical Profession!

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