Friday, July 30, 2021

Sensation Comics DR PAT "Fatal Decoy!"

Once more, Dr Pat steps heroically "into the breach"...

...with her usual moxie and grit and other things nobody born after 1960 would recognize!
Sadly, this never-reprinted tale by writer Robert Kanigher and artist Bob Oksner from DC's Sensation Comics #106 (1951) marks the end of Dr Pat's adventures!
The book was revised into a mystery/fantasy title without any female lead charaters, including Wonder Woman who lost her equivalent to Superman's Action Comics and Batman's Detective Comics!
Except for reprints of the first two Dr Pat tales in the back of Lois Lane, Superman's Girl Friend during the early 1970s, Pat Windsor MD hasn't been seen by anybody in over a half-century!
We hope you've enjoyed her adventures as the first female doctor with an ongoing series in comic books.
As our new ongoing monthly series, we introduced the never-reprinted Tramp Doctor HERE.
Check him out when he returns in August!
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Friday, July 23, 2021

As Covid-19 Returns with a Vengeance to the Still-Unvaccinated in America...

...we'd suggest you take a second look at our various pandemic/epidemic posts... clicking
Some are tales of real-life disease fighters, some are fantasies, but all should give you food for thought!

Friday, July 16, 2021

TRAMP DOCTOR "Stranded on Gorbu"

This never-reprinted series was one of the most unusual medical comic strips...

...since it involved, among other things, alcoholism and interracial romantic relationships!
The only way Dell got away with some of the themes of this strip was that they weren't a participant the the Comics Code Authority, which forbade showing such things until their first major revision in 1971!
This tale from Dell's Linda Lark Registered Nurse #2 (1962) was illustrated by John Tartaglione, who also drew the book's main strip, Linda Lark!
Though best-known as an inker on a number of Marvel's Silver Age books, including The X-Men, Tartaglione was a decent, though slow, penciler, which he did for both Dell and George A Pflaum's Treasure Chest.
He also pencilled Marvel's occasional religious-themed comics, including Life of Pope John Paul II!
Dr McCutchin's saga continued until the cancellation of the book with #8.
You'll be seeing the rest of the tales once a month since this series replaces Dr Pat (which ends next month) as our ongoing feature!
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The First Newsstand Comic Dedicated to the Medical Profession!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Sensation Comics DR PAT "Danger in the Everglades!"

Don't you wish your doctor was more like Dr Pat?
Anybody can sit around in their office, but she gets out there in the field where few male doctors would dare go!
While not exactly "racist", the use of solid magenta for the Seminoles' skin tone is just...weird, especially since, in DC's various Old West titles, the Native Americans are shown as "suntanned" compared to the White characters, not beet-red.
Otherwise, this never-reprinted tale from DC's Sensation Comics #105 (1951) is pretty much "business as usual" for comics' first ongoing female doctor!

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The First Newsstand Comic Dedicated to the Medical Profession!

Friday, July 2, 2021

Patriotic Medical Personnel PAT PARKER: WAR NURSE "Disease from the Depths"

Few non-superpowered World War II heroines had as active a career as...
 ...who went through three different incarnations during the conflict!
Introduced in Harvey's Speed Comics #13, British nurse Patricia Parker kicked the butts of spies, saboteurs, and medical black marketers in plainclothes for two issues before donning her costume and identity at the end of this never-reprinted story from Speed #15 (1942).
She was as proficient at Nazi-clobbering in costume as without one.
You'll note Pat didn't need a guy to assist her.
But, as of Speed Comics #23, she teamed up with several women from other countries (China, Russia, and America) to form the Girl Commandos, a distaff version of the multi-national Blackhawks...
...and dropped the "War Nurse" identity for the remainder of her run!
Note: If the art seems a tad un-detailed, even for a Golden Age comic, that's because the book wasn't normal sized (7.75" x 10.5"), but the smaller digest magazine-size (4" x 6.75")!
We just run them at the same size as the regular comics on this blog for your viewing ease!
Happy 4th of July Weekend, everyone!
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Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics

STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......