Friday, January 22, 2021

CoronaVirus Comics ALICE MATHESON "Day Z: Introduction: Susan Cross"

Alice Matheson is a nurse with a difference!
She's not your typical Angel of Mercy...not by a long shot!
What do you do when you're an Angel of Death, and those whom you're trying to bring peace to won't rest in peace?
That's how this graphic novel series from France by writer Jean-Luc Istin and illustrator Philippe Vandaële begins!
As you may have guessed from the title, the premiere volume deals with the very beginning of the plague and how our...heroine...for want of a better word, has to handle new, unknown, circumstances which threaten to derail what she sees as her purpose...ending the suffering of terminally-ill patients!
To Be Continued in
Not Safe For Work Comics
(Due to Nudity)
Next Week
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