Friday, January 29, 2021

CoronaVirus Comics ALICE MATHESON "Day Z: Chapter 2: Contamination"

...the recently-deceased are re-animating and attacking the living!
What can Alice Matheson and her fellow medicos do?
In truth, the staff is taking it a bit more calmly, efficiently, and disciplined than they usually do in such scenarios!
They believe the evidence and scenario presented, which most characters in such situations don't!
Will this mindset continue or will everything go to hysterical hell?
Find Out...
Next Friday

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Friday, January 22, 2021

CoronaVirus Comics ALICE MATHESON "Day Z: Introduction: Susan Cross"

Alice Matheson is a nurse with a difference!
She's not your typical Angel of Mercy...not by a long shot!
What do you do when you're an Angel of Death, and those whom you're trying to bring peace to won't rest in peace?
That's how this graphic novel series from France by writer Jean-Luc Istin and illustrator Philippe Vandaële begins!
As you may have guessed from the title, the premiere volume deals with the very beginning of the plague and how our...heroine...for want of a better word, has to handle new, unknown, circumstances which threaten to derail what she sees as her purpose...ending the suffering of terminally-ill patients!
To Be Continued in
Not Safe For Work Comics
(Due to Nudity)
Next Week
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Friday, January 15, 2021

CoronaVirus Comics CRACKED "O'Meagre Man"

Much like Blacula, The Omega Man is one of the few 1950s-1970s genre films...
...that didn't have a "straight" comics adaptation!
For those under-40s who don't "get" the dated punchline, the final reveal shows the leader to be the primary character of the politically-incorrect 1970s TV series All in the Family.
Illustrated by John Severin (with an assist on likenesses by his sister, master caricaturist Marie Severin), this story from Major Publications' Cracked #100 (1972) is the only adaptation and only spoof of the movie, which itself is the second movie adaptation of Richard Matheson's novelette I Am Legend!
(The first was 1964's Last Man on Earth, starring Vincent Price!)
All three versions specify that a virus kills most of the human population and mutates almost all the survivors into creatures (ghouls/vampires/zombies depending on which version you're watching)!
Note: two of the three cinema versions specify that the disease is man-made!
(The original novella indicates it's a natural mutation of rabies and carried by animals!)
In the Will Smith movie, it's called the "Krippen Virus" and was intended to destroy cancer cells.
In the Charlton Heston flick, it's nameless biological weapons used by Red China and the USSR in a border conflict which gets out of control!
In the Vincent Price movie, the plague's cause is unspecified.
Plus, the lead character in all three movies is an MD!
Last Man on EarthDr Robert Morgan (Vincent Price)
Omega Man: Dr Robert Neville (Charlton Heston)
I Am LegendDr Robert Neville (Will Smith)
BTW, Heston's character, Robert Neville, is a US Army MD, who creates a serum from his own blood, which Dutch (one of the unaffected young survivors who's also a medical student) can utilize to keep the others from "turning"!
Trivia: The Simpsons did their own satire of the 1970s movie as part of the annual Halloween "Treehouse of Horror" series...

OK, it's more "inspired" than an actual satire, but it is funny!
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(But not the 1960s Vincent Price adaptation.
That one, you can get here...)

Friday, January 8, 2021

Sensation Comics DR PAT "Operation Cupid"

She's the doctor who fights both disease and crime...

...and every once in a while, cures heartsickness!
This never-reprinted tale from DC's Sensation Comics #98 (1952) hits all the now-standard editorial requirements for a Dr Pat story:
1) Performing a medical feat that most think a woman couldn't do!
2) Capturing a criminal!
3) Solving a romantic problem!
What more could you want to start off the New Year?
The First Female Doctor to Have her Own Strip Will Return Next Month...

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The First Newsstand Comic Dedicated to the Medical Profession!

STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......