Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year with DOCTOR STRANGE "Eternity, Eternity" Part 1

The year was 1968, going into 1969...
...and the wildest New Year's Eve story in comics history was about to begin!
It's a heckuva point to break off our tale until tomorrow, but you'll need an incentive to get out of bed on New Year's Day!
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This New Year's
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Friday, December 24, 2021

CoronaVirus Comics FIRST ROMANCE "Midnight Kisses" and FIRST LOVE "Prescription - Love"

Usually it's two women fighting over the same man...
...but now, the tables are turned as a female MD must choose between a fellow doctor or a fever-ridden patient!
This tale from Harvey's First Romance #9 (1951) seems innocent, in fact, downright innocuous, eh?
The Comics Code Authority, founded in 1954, didn't think so!
When the story was reprinted in Harvey's First Love #79 (1957), they insisted on numerous changes...beginning with the title...which they apparently thought was too salacious!
Most of the other changes involve captions and dialogue, but also note a couple of art modifications!
Did the Comics Code go too far?
Were they over-reacting?
Enquiring minds want...nay...need to know~
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Friday, December 17, 2021


You've read this basic plot before...but there's several twists you haven't seen...
Oddly, our tale, though listed second in the table of contents, appeared in the back of the book!
Dr Mathews doesn't think much of his own daughter...
This never-reprinted tale from Harvey's True Love Problems and Advice Illustrated #2 (1949) was illustrated by comics workhorse Bob Powell.
The scripter is unknown, but could have been Powell himself.
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Agonizing Love

Friday, December 10, 2021

CoronaVirus Comics DENNIS THE MENACE "Dennis vs the Doctor"

Polio was one of the worst scourges the civilized world ever experienced...
...but when an inoculation was found, many still resisted taking it!
Why do anti-vaxxers act as childishly as Dennis the Menace in this tale from Standard's Dennis the Menace #26 (1958)?
Sadly, writer Fred Toole and artist Al Wiseman have both passed on and can't speculate about the reason.
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Friday, December 3, 2021


Tropical locales and major storms go hand in hand...

...but this particular one is a little...weird...and inaccurate!
Dr Ivar should sue his medical school!
Tidal waves/tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes (aka seaquakes) which can occur on a perfectly clear day!
They have no connection to hurricanes!
In fact, the approaching storm may not even be a "hurricane".
According to the Red Cross...If it’s above the North Atlantic, central North Pacific or eastern North Pacific oceans (Florida, Caribbean Islands, Texas, Hawaii, etc.), we call it a hurricane.
If it hovers over the Northwest Pacific Ocean (usually East Asia), we call it a typhoon.
If it’s circling over any other region, we continue to call it a tropical cyclone.

While penciler John Tartaglione and inker Dick Giordano did their usual competent job on this never-reprinted tale from Dell's Nurse Linda Lark #6 (1963), the unknown writer seemed to have some problems with both science and the strip's continuity!

If the town of Gorbu is "smashed", isn't the hotel McCutchin and his hosts live in also smashed?
Will they be forced to live in emergency housing for awhile?
Gorbu is supposed to be a "dry", alcohol-free island!
In fact, alcohol is banned by shown HERE!
Where did Dr Ivar get the booze and why wasn't he arrested for possession?
OTOH, I was expecting the clearly non-platonic interest by Tisara Lister in the final panel a little sooner in the strip, but I'm glad it's finally coming out of the background.
Will it lead to anything?
Only time will tell!

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If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......