Friday, June 26, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SUE AND SALLY SMITH: FLYING NURSES "No Serum for Greed"

Though the title characters usually worked together...
...both Sue and Sally also had solo globe-trotting adventures!
The twin Smith sisters worked for "Emergency Corps", a Doctors Without Borders-type organization that sent medical personnel to hot spots all over the world.
From forest fires to typhus outbreaks, the Flying Nurses could handle it all, as this never-reprinted story by writer Joe Gill, penciler Joe Sinnott and inker Vince Colletta from Charlton's Sue and Sally Smith: Flying Nurses #48 (1962) proves!
Notes: #48 was the duo's first issue!
Before that, the comic was My Secret Life, but after the duo debuted in #47...
...the book was renamed for them!
No mention of a psychic link the two shared in this debut was ever made again — which is a shame, because it really would have come in handy for them in later least until the book was cancelled with #54!
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