Friday, May 31, 2024

SURGEON X "Path of Most Resistance" Chapter 6 "Gods and Monsters" Part 1

It Has All Lead Up to This...

...a mind-bending conclusion that bounces between reality, virtual reality...and dreams!
If you haven't been reading the soul-searing saga. set in the Day After Tomorrow. of rebel doctor Rosa Scott M.D. aka Surgeon X, do so NOW!
Then come back and continue...

As this story from Image's Surgeon X #6 (2017), points out, letting all your calls go to voicemail can have profound consequences!

Learn of those consequences...
Next Week!

In the meantime, go...HERE
(And yes, I'm as surprised as you are that the site is still up almost a decade later!)

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Military Medicine REAL LIFE COMICS "Fighting Surgeon"

Since this is Memorial Day weekend...
...we thought we'd present a tale of a combat surgeon who served in multiple theatres of war!
Note: it may be considered NSFW/NSFS due to racial stereotypes common to the era.
In reality, "Dr David De Leon" didn't exist!
Everything attributed to him in this story actually occurred to Dr Samuel Preston Moore!
Why his real name wasn't used in this piece is unknown!
Considering that other historical figures in this issue like Kit Carson, President Franklin D Roosevelt, Captain Oliver Perry, Francois Villon, Jim Thorpe, Helen Keller, Jessie Owens, and even Burl Ives weren't renamed, it seems...odd!
BTW, this never-reprinted illustrated feature from
Standard Publishing's Real Life Comics #45 (1947) was the result of postal regulations!
In order to qualify as a periodical publication to receive lowered postal rates, a comic had to have at least one full page of typeset text per issue.
If there was a quarter-page or larger illustration on the page, then a second page had to be added to provide more text to fulfill the mandate!
When comics added letters pages from the 1950s onward, those fulfilled the text requirement, and these prose pieces all but disappeared!
Who says comics ain't educational???

Friday, May 17, 2024

HI-SCHOOL ROMANCE "Unfaithful" & "My Answer"

It's amazing how many romance comic stories involve doctors, nurses, or both!
Case in point, this tale from Harvey's Hi-School Romance #10 (1951), which despite the book's title, has nothing to do with high school!
Illustrated by John Sink and illustrated by an unknown scripter, this is an entertaining, but moderately-improbable tale.
However, when it was reprinted in Harvey's Hi-School Romance #68 (1957), the newly-created Comics Code Authority demanded numerous changes in the story...beginning with the very first caption and the title...
Interesting how much re-writing was done, eh?

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Friday, May 10, 2024

SURGEON X "Path of Most Resistance" Chapter 5: Virtual Reality Bites Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...while a government coverup swirls around the circumstances of the death of her surgeon/adventurer mother, Surgeon X operates via remote link on a patient on an orbital space station.
But the connection is suddenly broken mid-operation...
King Charles III, epidemics, and sentient rogue AIs?
Did writer Sara Kenney and artist John Watkiss know something we didn't when they created this tale in Image's Surgeon X #5 (2017)?

The Astounding Conclusion...
Next Month!

In the meantime, go...HERE
(And yes, I'm as surprised as you are that the site is still up almost a decade later!)

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Friday, May 3, 2024

SURGEON X "Path of Most Resistance" Chapter 5: Virtual Reality Bites Part 1

...her daughters, MDs Martha Scott and Rosa (Surgeon X) Scott continue their own probe into the mystery...without knowing about the conspiracy!
What does the upper echelon of government not want lowly local law enforcement to know?
And how will this affect Surgeon X?

You Gotta See It to Believe It...
Next Week!

In the meantime, go...HERE
(And yes, I'm as surprised as you are that the site is still up almost a decade later!)

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STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......