Friday, March 29, 2024

Military Medicine BATTLE ACTION "Unarmed"

A soldier is supposed to be brave when in combat...
...but is he as brave as someone who's on the battlefield without any weapon?
This never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Battle Action #2 (1952) was part of the effort by the comics industry to be as gung-ho about the Korean War as it had been about World War II.
The plot about someone who may have failed earlier in life and being underrated/misunderstood by others, only to succeed in the cauldron of combat...even to the point of sacrificing his a familiar trope, but this retelling of it works well, especially with the narrator's own words showing how wrong he was about the medic!
Note: the fact that prolific writer Hank Chapman scripted this melancholy story has been confirmed by access to his personal files.
But, since Atlas Comics' (now Marvel Comics') records from this period are (to put it politely) incomplete,  the question of who drew it is in doubt as the art matches the style of both George Tuska and Pete Morisi, both of whom were freelancing for Atlas (among other companies) during this period!

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Featuring tales from DC, Timely/Atlas/Marvel, EC, Harvey, Fawcett, Quality, Warren, etc.
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Friday, March 22, 2024

CoronaVirus Comics ONE WORLD, ONE FIGHT!

...Gen Z Group, a Singapore-based educational media company, adapted the Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment, into a dramatic five-chapter graphic novel, titled “One World, One Fight!.”
The entire graphic novel is available in English and can be read or downloaded for FREE...

Friday, March 15, 2024

CoronaVirus Comics SURGEON X "Path of Most Resistance" Chapter 3: Surgeon's Graveyard Conclusion

Surgeon X Has Been Kidnapped... Black Market Drug Suppliers!
No, it's not so she'll pay more money for the drugs she uses in her battle to provide medical aid to those who have neither money nor power!
It's so she'll treat their grandfather, who's dying of tuberculosis and can't get treatment legally...because he's a wanted criminal!
Told that if grandpop dies, she'll be killed, Dr Rosa Scott has no choice but to cooperate...
Was this story from Image's Surgeon X #3 (2016) a prediction of rogue AI?

More Questions and Some Answers...
Next Month!

In the meantime, go...HERE
(And yes, I'm as surprised as you are that the site is still up almost a decade later!)

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TPB Containing the Complete Mini-Series
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Friday, March 8, 2024

CoronaVirus Comics SURGEON X "Path of Most Resistance" Chapter 3: Surgeon's Graveyard Part 1

When Last We Left Our Moral Medical Practitioner...

...besides getting great reviews, Dr Rosa Scott (aka Surgeon X) continues to wage her rebellious campaign to provide medical care to those she deems worthy despite their lack of financial or political resources!
But those technically-illegal actions carry risks, whether it's from the authorities or black market suppliers...
Can things get any worse for Dr Scott?
Do you really have to ask?
Find Out Next Friday!

In the meantime, go...HERE
(And yes, I'm as surprised as you are that the site is still up almost a decade later!)

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TPB Containing the Complete Mini-Series
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Friday, March 1, 2024

TOPS "Anthony Comstock: Fanatical Reformer"

Is it any wonder Republicans are using the work of a puritanical, conservative con-man from the 19th Century... promote and serve their anti-choice agenda in the 21st Century?

Both Federal and local Republican politicians are currently attempting to use the ancient Comstock Act's19th Century definitions of "obscene material" (which includes birth control printed information and contraceptive drugs) to prevent them from being provided to pregnant women in 2024!

Written by George Hansen and illustrated by Lee Ames, this feature from Lev Gleason's TOPS #2 (1949) presents itself as a "review" of a biography of Comstock, Anthony Comstock: Roundsman of the Lord (1927)..which praised the man!
However, where the book put Comstock on a pedestal, the comic strip savaged him, taking the material from the tome and presenting it in a historical context.
BTW, you'll note the art here is larger than we usually present.
That's because the periodical it was presented in was tabloid-sized, like Marvel and DC Treasury Editions of the 1970s and 80s and the lettering would be unreadable in our usual 525-pixel wide format.
Editor Charles Biro conceived and produced the mag as an attempt to do an "adult oriented" magazine using the comic book format.
Sadly, it only lasted two issues and either issue is incredibly hard to find!
Happily, Fantagraphics worked with noted writer/artist/historian Michael T Gilbert to produce a superb book reprinting those two issues with an astounding amount of historical material about the periodical...

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STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......