Friday, November 24, 2023


Even when (believe it or not) created for benevolent purposes...
...a deliberately-contagious virus unleashed on the world is no laughing matter!
OK, how can we read other peoples' thoughts in our own dreams, as happens on pages 2 and 3?
Beyond that deliberately-deceptive plot element, this tale from Charlton's Out of This World #6 (1957) written by Charlton mainstay Joe Gill and illustrated by future Spider-Man and Dr Strange co-creator Steve Ditko hangs together fairly well!
Would someone deliberately-conceive and implement a biological weapon (whether for good or evil) today?
Some Reich-wingers believe the recent (and possibly retiurning) coronavirus epidemic was deliberately-engineered by Communist China!
What do you think, dear reader?
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Friday, November 10, 2023


As we enter the Christmas season, we often ask "when science fails, can faith find a way?"
Perhaps this short. from ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #91 (1957) holds the answer!
Did writer/editor Richard E Hughes and artist Ogden Whitney base this tale on an oft-heard urban legend?
Oddly, when the story was reprinted in ACG's Unknown Worlds #18 (1962), it was retitled...
...and nobody can recall why!
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Brendan and Erc in Exile Volume 1
Truth is Out There

OMNI "Logical-Mathematical" Part 2

When Last We Left the Doctor Whose Brain Functions are Faster than Light... ...normally, I'd synopsize, but since Mae , the good doctor...