Friday, February 24, 2023

M.D. "A Case for the Books"

Here's a title that likely doesn't mean what you believe it means!

Think I'm kidding?
Read on...
So the title didn't refer to a unique medical procedure...but a piece of furniture!
In the dark days before ObamaCare, if you were one of the working poor, any major medical procedure could bankrupt your family since you likely couldn't afford medical insurance!
In some cases, a compassionate medical practitioner, especially one who handled fiscally-limited patients, would barter for services.
It's a situation far less common today than when writer Al Feldstein and artist Graham Ingels created this tale for EC's M.D. #2 (1955)!
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The First Newsstand Comic Dedicated to the Medical Profession!

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Two-Sided Heart!" Conclusion

When Doctor Bill Ames rebuffs yet another of Nurse Mary Robin's attempts to kindle a long-term romantic relationship, she finds herself strangely-drawn to a new patient...
Mary Robin keeps pursuing Bill Ames, expecting a different result each time!
Isn't that, as the saying goes, the very definition of madness?

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...which reprints the complete first part of the comic's run from 39 to 56, including the entire Private Diary of Mary Robin R.N. strip (not in color, as we're doing, but in black-and-white)!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Two-Sided Heart!" Part 1

How could we let Valentine's Day slip by...

...without another chapter in the heart-rending life story of our favorite manic-depressive caregiver?
Nurse Mary Robin keeps chasing after Dr Bill Ames, whom she has lusted after since Day One!
Problem is, he wants a relationship with no strings attached.
And she wants strings, chains, manacles, etc!
So she keeps pursuing him, expecting a different result each time!
Isn't that, as the saying goes, the very definition of madness?
Be here tomorrow, when another form of madness enters the scenario!
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...which reprints the complete first part of the comic's run from 39 to 56, including the entire Private Diary of Mary Robin R.N. strip (not in color, as we're doing, but in black-and-white)!

Friday, February 10, 2023

OMNI "Logical-Mathematical" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...Dr Cecelia Cobbina was affected by a world-wide event referred to as "Ignition", which activated latent (but unused) physical and/or mental abilities in some people.
In her case, it was to amplify her brain's processing capacity to near-infinite levels, making her near-omniscient (hence the "Omni" in the book's title.)

The series ran ten issues (six in print/on-line and four on-line only) as part of the H1 comics universe.
Sadly, the entire H1 project seems to have ended without a conclusion in 2021.
There were no new issues during 2022, and the company's website offers no further info beyond the already-published titles.
But we wanted to introduce our audience to the fascinating Dr Cobbina, and suggest they track down the remainder of her saga...
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Friday, February 3, 2023

OMNI "Logical-Mathematical" Part 1

Since last week's BLACK JACK posts (HERE and HERE) got such a good response...'s another wandering practicing physician with unique attributes!And, conveniently, there's an intro about who she is and how she differs from the standard MD!

Now, on with the story...
Work relationships can be extremely stressful...
To Be Continued...
Next Week
Dr Cecelia Cobbina and her team debuted in Humanoids' H1 Ignition Free Comic Book Day Edition (2019)...
...then went directly into her own title, the first part we've shown here.
The series ran ten issues (six in print/on-line and four on-line only) as part of the H1 comics universe.
Sadly, the entire H1 project seems to have ended without a conclusion in 2021.
There were no new issues during 2022, and the company's website offers no further info beyond the already-published titles.
But we wanted to introduce our audience to the fascinating Dr Cobbina, and suggest they track down the remainder of her saga...
Please Support Medical Comics and Stories
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STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......