Friday, December 22, 2023

Xmas in the Emergency Room AMERICAN SPLENDOR: ON THE JOB! "Why Won't They Let Us Out?"

For those who work in support services in medical facilities... tedious day is much like the other, even during the Yuletide season!
Written by Harvey Pekar and illustrated by Frank Stack, this story from Dark Horse's one-shot American Splendor: On the Job (1997) is part of Pekar's multiple award-winning, long-running, autobiographical underground comic series American Splendor.
After doing a stint in the Navy, Harvey spent most of his adult life as a file clerk at the Veterans Administration Hospital in his native Cleveland, working there (even while, beginning in 1976, writing American Splendor) until his retirement in 2001, at which point, the slice-of-life comic series and related projects became his full-time gig.
He passed away in 2010 from an accidental overdose of antidepressants while dealing with a third diagnosis of cancer.
(He had already successfully-overcome the disease twice.)

Friday, December 8, 2023

LOVELORN "Helping Heart!"

Just when you thought they couldn't do anything else with a disease-themed romance tale...
...involving a doctor and nurse, this never-reprinted story from ACG's LoveLorn #3 (1949-50) comes along with a tale jam-packed with unexpected soap opera-style plot-twists!
I'm exhausted!
So, jaded, manipulative girl loses handsome doctor to woman whose inherent innocence and purity of heart (and extreme work ethic) lures the MD to her...and she didn't even intend to do so!

Friday, November 24, 2023


Even when (believe it or not) created for benevolent purposes...
...a deliberately-contagious virus unleashed on the world is no laughing matter!
OK, how can we read other peoples' thoughts in our own dreams, as happens on pages 2 and 3?
Beyond that deliberately-deceptive plot element, this tale from Charlton's Out of This World #6 (1957) written by Charlton mainstay Joe Gill and illustrated by future Spider-Man and Dr Strange co-creator Steve Ditko hangs together fairly well!
Would someone deliberately-conceive and implement a biological weapon (whether for good or evil) today?
Some Reich-wingers believe the recent (and possibly retiurning) coronavirus epidemic was deliberately-engineered by Communist China!
What do you think, dear reader?
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Friday, November 10, 2023


As we enter the Christmas season, we often ask "when science fails, can faith find a way?"
Perhaps this short. from ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #91 (1957) holds the answer!
Did writer/editor Richard E Hughes and artist Ogden Whitney base this tale on an oft-heard urban legend?
Oddly, when the story was reprinted in ACG's Unknown Worlds #18 (1962), it was retitled...
...and nobody can recall why!
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Brendan and Erc in Exile Volume 1
Truth is Out There

Friday, October 27, 2023

Halloween Hospital Horrors CRAZY "Wolf Man"

It's Almost Halloween!
Is it gonna be trick or treat for... this never-reprinted story from one of Atlas' numerous MAD-clones, Crazy #5 (1954)

Artist Dick Ayers rendered this tale in a style quite dissimilar from his usual Western or horror material.
The writer, though, is unknown, but may be Stan Lee, who was the editor of the line, and wrote a lot of the comic's stories.
BTW, we're returning to bi-weekly status for the next month.
If the viewer count remains high, we'll go back to weekly from December onward.

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Friday, October 20, 2023

Halloween Hospital Horrors TALES OF THE ZOMBIE "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth"

If you can't figure out what this story is going to feature just by reading the title above...'re definitely reading the wrong blog!

Written by Gerry Conway and illustrated by Virgilio Redondo and Rudy Nebres, this story from Marvel's Tales of the Zombie #10 (1975) was a non-series feature.
The book featured tales of Simon Garth: the Zombie and Brother Voodoo (who was also appearing in his own feature in Strange Tales), along with one-shot stories like this one plus articles about voodoo and zombies in both pop culture and real life!
Sadly, this was the final issue...but it would (appropriately) rise from the dead from time to shown below!
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Friday, October 13, 2023

Halloween Hospital Horrors HOT STUF' "Heartfelt Thanks"

Remember the movie Fantastic Voyage, about a surgeon and his support staff...
...miniaturized to enter a patient's body to perform a delicate operation?
This is like that...up to a point!
Didn't end quite the way it did in Fantastic Voyage, eh?
Written by Kathy Barr and illustrated by Ken Barr, this somewhat grisly tale from SQP's Hot Stuf' #8 (1978) was one of his last comic stories before transitioning to doing movie poster, magazine, and book cover paintings on a full-time basis.
Though he did numerous covers for various Marvel magazines and paperbacks, he never did one featuring Doctor Strange.
However, he was the cover artist for a Marvel series featuring one of our featured super-surgeons...Doc Savage...doing all the magazine's covers...except the first issue's, which was the 1975 movie's poster art by Roger Kastel.

STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......