Friday, November 25, 2022

CoronaVirus Comics NO ORDINARY FLU

Just over a century ago, a terrible pandemic swept through the world...
...but the response by Americans was far, far different than in 2022!
Published in 2008, this comic was distributed for free throughout the state of Washington.
I’ve been developing public health comics since 2008, when award-winning Seattle comics artist David Lasky and I created No Ordinary Flu, a comic book that evolved from my work trying to raise awareness of the potential catastrophic nature of a severe influenza pandemic.
It’s hard to interest people in health warnings about an illness that comes around every year, and presenting the information in a standard fact sheet did little to raise their awareness.
But by using comics to tell the story of a family living through the influenza pandemic of 1918, the issue takes on emotional weight and urgency.
A narrative grounds the information in what happens to the characters.
Suddenly, a crisis that seemed abstract and distant becomes much more concrete and human.
There's more to the story, as you'll see next Friday!
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Friday, November 18, 2022

CoronaVirus Comics PICTURE STORIES FROM SCIENCE "Battle Against Bacteria"

Here's an explanation of the human body's defenses that's so simple...
...even a Republican could understand it!
(Plus it has pictures!)
Yes, I know bacteria aren't viruses, but the principles are the same...
Written by Morris Nelson Sachs and illustrated by Don Cameron, this never-reprinted short from EC's Picture Stories from Science #2 (1947) was produced when EC was Educational Comics, not the later horror, crime, and sci-fi oriented Entertaining Comics!
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Friday, November 11, 2022


Here's a short comic story with enough of a plotline to fill a b-movie!
(Today, it would probably be a four-issue mini-series!)
This never-reprinted story from Centaur's Keen Detective Funnies V2N12 (1939) was written and illustrated by Clair S Moe, one of the few women working in the pre-World War II comics industry.
(During the war, a number of women entered the business due to so many male writers and artist serving in the armed forces!)
You'll note some of the pages are black and white, while others are only two-color.
In order to save money on books that might not have been selling well, sections of some comics were four-color (usually the ones with the popular, ongoing series), while others with one-shot tales like this were two-color/black and white.
It really didn't save much money, and the practice was discontinued industrywide around 1940.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Veil of Silence!" Conclusion

Depressed patient Norma Lane lost the will to live...until young Dr Kevin Daniels, resident psychiatrist, started treating her.
However, Mary Robin, R.N., was already romantically-interested in Dr Daniels...and is now witnessing him becoming entranced with his patient...though he denies it!
Talk about foreshadowing!
But, you won't know what happens if you don't return for next month's installment of...
Private Diary of Mary Robin, R.N.!

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Young Love
...which reprints the complete first part of the comic's run from 39 to 56, including the entire Private Diary of Mary Robin R.N. strip 
(in B/W, not color, as we're doing)!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Veil of Silence!" Part 1

Let's return to (relative) normalcy after a spooky October...

...with our ongoing feature about the life and loves (mostly the loves) of an overworked R.N.!
She deliberately avoided getting involved with another doctor she was working with, yet she's jumping at the opportunity to do so with this doctor...whom she also works with!

To Be Continued...
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Showcase Presents
Young Love

...which reprints the complete first part of the comic's run from 39 to 56, including the entire Private Diary of Mary Robin R.N. strip 
(in B/W, not color, as we're doing)!

STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......