Friday, October 28, 2022

Halloween Hospital Horrors JANE FOSTER: VALKYRIE "Strange Aeons" Part 2b a house call on Death itself!
But when one doctor (Cardiac) clobbers another one (Doctor Strange), things go from bad to worse...
Nobody "wins" with matter the outcome!

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Friday, October 14, 2022

Halloween Hospital Horrors JANE FOSTER: VALKYRIE "Strange Aeons" Part 1b

Doctor Stephen Strange and Doctor Jane Foster (aka Valkyrie)...

...are about to make a house call on the being who embodies the concept of "death"...who is, herself, near the end of her they call in some specialists to assist with the diagnosis and treatment!
And on that somber note, we bid adieu until...
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Friday, October 7, 2022

Halloween Hospital Horrors JANE FOSTER: VALKYRIE "Strange Aeons" Part 1a

For those of you who only know of Jane Foster (now an M.D., BTW) as Mighty Thor...
...from the recent movie Thor: Love and Thunder, this might come as something of a shock.
Start with the fact she's still alive, and take it from there...

BTW, the Valkyrie who debuted in the movies is also now in comics...but not in this tale, from Marvel's Jane Foster: Valkyrie #6 (2020)!
And now, on with our sinister story...
You'll "Meet the Band" and join them as they start their perilous quest...
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Military Medicine OPERATION: PERIL "Mauling Medic"

If You're a Combat Medic... ...what do you do when a wounded enemy wants you to treat them ? Note: May be NSFW due to racist language co...