Friday, September 30, 2022

Prelude to Haunted Hospital J N WILLIAMSON'S MASQUES "Billion Monstrosities"

It's almost October!
Time for spooky stuff...
...which is still medically-oriented!
Written by editor Mort Castle, illustrated by Tim Vigil.
This two-issue mini-series was a graphic spin-off from a long-running, award-winning prose horror anthology. 
Next Week:
We'll be presenting a month-long saga featuring Marvel's "Mightiest Medics"...

...including Doctor StrangeDr Jane Foster as ValkyrieNight NurseCardiacExcalibur, and Manikin, to save Death itself from oblivion!
It's our annual Haunted Hospital Halloween blogathon cranked up to "11"!
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J N Williamson's
Illustrated Masques

Friday, September 23, 2022

CAUGHT "Man Who Followed"

Would a doctor betray the Hippocratic Oath and allow someone to die...

...or fulfill the oath...even at the cost of his career?
Rather...convenient...that the would-be blackmailer just dies, eh?
Sadly, we don't know who scripted this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Caught #4 (1957), but the art (both pencils and inks) is by Don Heck, who, a few years later, would be one of the primary artists at Marvel Comics in the Silver Age, co-creating Iron Man, The Black Widow, Hawkeye, and The Wasp!
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Volume 1
The First Newsstand Comic Dedicated to the Medical Profession!

Friday, September 16, 2022

GROOVY "Dopey Doctors"

Marvel Comics published this material in Groovy #1 in 1968.

But, even if you are a serious Marvel fan, odds are that you've never even seen the comic book these pieces appeared in!
That's because, while, technically, it is a Marvel comic book, it wasn't produced by the Marvel Comics crew!
Publisher Martin Goodman also owned a number of other non-comics b/w magazines, including humor titles Cartoon Capers and Cartoon Laughs.and mens' magazines MaleFor Men Only and Stag.
In 1968, Marvel was able to finally expand the amount of titles it had on the newsstands when they switched distributors.
So Goodman decided to have Marvel distribute a new comic book-sized color title using material he had already run in his non-comics magazines!
"Corporate synergy" in the 1960s!
What could go wrong?
Groovy was the result!
Sadly, comics fans didn't know what to make of this weird book, and adults who bought the magazines rarely looked at the comics racks!
The comic sold poorly...really poorly!
Even finally putting a Marvel logo on the 3rd issue didn't help!
Despite that, the book died with #3.

Friday, September 9, 2022

YOUNG BRIDES "Wait for the Doctor!"

Are newlyweds truly ready to handle "for better or worse"...especially when one of them is a doctor?
The answer may lie behind this totally-unrelated stock photo cover (despite the misleading caption) in a never-reprinted story from Prize's Young Brides #2 (1952)!
Written by Natalie Krigstein, penciled by Mort Meskin, and inked by George Roussos.
Though written by a woman (and a married one, at that), it feels a bit patronizing about Jeanie and her feelings and expectations in the marriage!
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Saturday, September 3, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "One Kiss for Always!" Conclusion

Injured in a bus crash while en-route to a medical conference, Nurse Mary Robin awakens to discover herself partially-paralyzed, in an unfamiliar hospital and talking with a handsome guy named Steve, who's confined to a wheelchair...
Well, that was a weird take on the situation!
What do you think, dear reader?

To Be Continued...
Please Support Medical Comics and Stories
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...which reprints the complete first part of DC's Young Love run from 39 to 56, including  the entire Private Diary of Mary Robin R.N. strip (in B/W, not color)!
...Using the Link Below!

Friday, September 2, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "One Kiss for Always!" Part 1

What happens when the angel of mercy becomes the patient?
...that's what our favorite nurse is about to discover!
Who's the handsome guy?
Why is he right there at her bedside?
Enquiring minds want to know!
To Be Continued...
Please Support Medical Comics and Stories
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(which reprints the complete first part of DC's Young Love run from 39 to 56, including  the entire Private Diary of Mary Robin R.N. strip
...but in B/W)
...Using the Link Below!

STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......