Friday, July 29, 2022

CoronaVirus Comics THE VITALS: TRUE EMS STORIES "Story One: In Good Hands"

Pandemics continue to plague (pun intended) us..., sadly, these stories are still relevant!
On a positive note, all the stories in this comic are set during the winter, so it's cool (pun again intended) to read during this heat wave!
"Above and beyond the call of duty!"

Though there aren't medals for them, these medicos are heroes (and/or heroines)!
Never forget it!

Marvel Comics collaborated with Allegheny Health Network (AHN) to celebrate real-life healthcare heroes through a comic book about real-life paramedics/EMT techs and their heroism.

Each character and story stems from the experiences of real people who provide healthcare throughout AHN’s 13 hospital facilities in Western Pennsylvania, serving as amalgams of the dozens of EMT techs/paramedics who shared their stories.
The limited-print run comic books are distributed to patients for free throughout AHN hospitals, with an e-reader version available on
This tale of the never-ending struggle is written by Sean Ryan, and illustrated by JL Giles.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Double Heartbreak!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...Mary Robin's younger sister Naomi joins the nursing staff at Country General...and promptly falls for Dr Bill Ames, who Mary lusts for, but can't allow herself to get emotionally-involved with!
Will Naomi ever reappear, or is she gone for good?
You'll have to keep reading to find out...

Friday, July 22, 2022

Young Love PRIVATE DIARY OF MARY ROBIN, R.N. "Double Heartbreak!" Part 1

After a number of "heavy" posts...

...we're going for something a little "lighter", like our ongoing "soap opera" feature.
(Note: the book this story was scanned from was not in pristine condition, so the pages look a little ragged.)
You just know you're going to "tune in tomorrow", right?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

CHOICES "Abortion: What Would Hippocrates Say?"

From Choices, a benefit comic produced in 1989, after the Webster V Reproductive Health Services verdict...

...when we thought that was the worst that could happen to women!

"Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it!"
Written and illustrated by William Messner-Loebs, a multi-award-winning writer/artist who would do an acclaimed run on DC's Wonder Woman a couple of years after this.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Super-Hero Doctor/Nurse Duo!

Though the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't utilize it... of the most soap opera-ish doctor-nurse romances took place in superhero comics!
We're doing a mini-blogathon featuring
how that relationship ended in the Silver Age in
True Love Comics Tales
and how an "imaginary story" (a tale not in continuity) introduced the concept of Jane Foster as Thor in
And Don't Miss...
Thor: Love and Thunder!
ONLY In Theatres!

Friday, July 1, 2022

ABORTION EVE and FACTS 'O LIFE COMICS legal, safe abortions were finally allowed in the United States of America!
Unfortunately, in 2022, that decision was overturned, and the Dark Ages returned to America!
Here's an example of what it was like pre-Roe V Wade...
...from Facts 'O Life Comics, published in 1972!
Do we really want that again?

STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......