Wednesday, September 23, 2020

SWEETHEARTS "My Last Chance at Love"

Last week, we told you the later, shorter version of this tale... here's the earlier and (beginning with the second page) longer, sassier, version!
Now we return to the story we re-presented last week...
Why were five pages from this version published in Fawcett's SweetHearts #83 (1950) cut from the reprint we showed you last week?
Did the Comics Code Authority (which didn't exist when this story was first published) insist on the alterations?
And, if so...why?
We'll never know the answers!
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Agonizing Love

Thursday, September 17, 2020

MY SECRET LIFE "My Last Chance for Love"

Think only we humans suffer during pandemics and epidemics?
Here's a tale involving doctors and patients you've never seen before on this blog!
Is this what passed for "true love" back in the 1950s?
This story from Charlton's My Secret Life #19 (1957) seems to think so!
But there's a kicker that you don't expect to this!
Next Week...
The Original Version of This Tale of Disease, Debilitating Conditions and Desire!
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Friday, September 11, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SCIENCE COMICS "Walter Reed: the Man Who Conquered Yellow Fever"

...but here's another version of true events, with a somewhat different emphasis...
Rudy Palais, one of the more gruesomely-graphic artists of the Golden Age illustrated this never-reprinted tale from Ace's Science Comics #2 (1946).
In fact, some of Palais' work is excerpted in Fredric Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent!
And, yes, the subject of the story is the Dr Walter Reed the hospital in Washington DC is named after...and this is why it's named after him!
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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Sensation Comics DR PAT ""Dr Pat's First Love!"

She's back, and ready to prove herself the equal of any male doctor!
BTW, her "first love" isn't what you think...
Dr Pat was a first-rate, professional medical practitioner, as demonstrated in the second installment of her series from DC's Sensation Comics #95 (1950).
Written by Robert Kanigher, penciled by Arthur Peddy, and inked by Joe Giella, this tale sets up an intriguing urban/rural interaction that could've been played many different ways.
Be here next month as we show you how it develops...
We promised you'd see all her stories here, one a month, until we completed the run!
Covid-19 and a switch to disease/infection-related features derailed those plans...but only temporarily.
We're now back on track, so the first week of every month you'll see a never-reprinted Dr Pat tale!
BTW, both this and the previous Dr Pat story were reprinted as backups in DC's Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane in 1972, almost 50 yeaars ago.
The remainder of the Dr Pat series has never been reprinted.
We hope you'll enjoy it!
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STOP PROJECT 2025: THE COMIC BOOK "Environmental Protection" & "Extreme Weather"

If You Can't Breathe, Eat, or Drink, You Die ... ...yet Project 2025 wants to suffocate you, starve you, and force you to go thirsty......