Friday, December 27, 2024


We Close Out December and 2024 with Our Monthly Feature...

...about a young "interne" who may look too youthful for his own good!
Written by Carl Memling and illustrated by Norman Nodel, this second tale of Dr Dan Dazzler from Dell's Ben Casey #3 (1962) shows us a different visual for the character than his first appearance HERE!
In this strip, he's under 25, with a full head of blond hair, but in the previous strip, he looked like early-30s with receding brown hair!
I wonder if this was meant to be a feature about a group of doctors working at a given hospital like "Internes of Central Hospital" or somesuch.
But they decided, after the art was rendered, to just change the name and the captions and make several doctors just one doctor, with, easily, the silliest name they could think of!
But they didn't modify the art to give the character a consistent look!
It's just a theory, and we'll never know the answer.
We're Taking Next Friday Off, But We'll be Back on January10th, 2025!

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