This comic tale from the 1940s explains the benefits of vaccination in such a simple, graphic way...
...that even a regressive Reich-wing anti-vaxxer like RFK Jr could understand!
(Note that the Near Eastern people in the third panel are supposed to be suntanned/light brown, but colorists of the time had problems getting the correct CMY color combination!)
Written by Morris Nelson Sachs and illustrated by Don Cameron, this never-reprinted story from EC Comics' Picture Stories of Science #2 (1947) was told in a straightforward manner, taking info from encyclopedias and school textbooks and visualizing it for kids.
And, yes, that's the same EC Comics who, in the 1950s, produced...
...but, in the 1940s, were doing educational comics like this...
When the wholesome stuff didn't sell, they changed the company name from "Educational Comics" to "Entertaining Comics", took a different approach, and the rest was history!
Ironically, after the whole "comics cause juvenile delinquency" mania of the mid-1950s which almost destroyed the comic book business, EC made one more stab at doing adult-oriented, "quality" comics...
Ironically, after the whole "comics cause juvenile delinquency" mania of the mid-1950s which almost destroyed the comic book business, EC made one more stab at doing adult-oriented, "quality" comics...
The First Newsstand Comics Dedicated to the Medical Profession!
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