Friday, February 10, 2023

OMNI "Logical-Mathematical" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...Dr Cecelia Cobbina was affected by a world-wide event referred to as "Ignition", which activated latent (but unused) physical and/or mental abilities in some people.
In her case, it was to amplify her brain's processing capacity to near-infinite levels, making her near-omniscient (hence the "Omni" in the book's title.)

The series ran ten issues (six in print/on-line and four on-line only) as part of the H1 comics universe.
Sadly, the entire H1 project seems to have ended without a conclusion in 2021.
There were no new issues during 2022, and the company's website offers no further info beyond the already-published titles.
But we wanted to introduce our audience to the fascinating Dr Cobbina, and suggest they track down the remainder of her saga...
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