Friday, March 7, 2025


Here's What Project 2025 is NOW Doing to Curb Reproductive Rights... shown in this unique on-line comic! 

It was a noble effort to present the insidious Reich-Wing Project 2025, condensing over 900 pages of text into a graphic presentation broken down into 2-to-6 page categories ranging from Abortion to Taxes to War on the Working Class!
The assortment of talent was quite impressive...ranging from established writers and artists to up-and-comers with only a few professional credits so far!
Sadly, the response to the comic seems to have been minimal, despite a fairly robust on-line presence and articles in several media outlets including Forbes!
Perhaps part of the problem was that it didn't go on-line until the middle of October, only a couple of weeks before the election!
I'd like to point out I didn't know it even existed until last Sunday, when it popped up during on-line research of the works of one of the creatives!
Starting today, and continuing through the month of March, I'll post a different medicine/science-related chapter from the book each Friday to give you a taste of the quality work done for this noble effort and to warn you of what's coming in the near future!

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Matt Baker Illustrated Few Medical-Oriented Tales...

...that didn't involve a hot 'n heavy romance featuring a doctor, nurse, or both!
But, this never-reprinted story is one of them!
From Charlton's Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #14 (1959), this Joe Gill-scripted, Matt Baker-penciled, and Vince Colletta-inked tale of a medical technician who eneded up at the wrong address wouldn't have been out of place as an episode of The Twilight Zone!

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Friday, February 21, 2025

OMNI "Logical-Mathematical" Part 2.5

...while traveling though the United States seeking out "Ignited" (people who a cosmic event activated latent hyper-abilities), Dr Cecelia Cobbina, whose ability is having her mental processes working, literally at the speed of light, comes across a case of a young "ignited" man accused of shooting a policeman.
The man faces an unpleasant fate at the hands of the policeman's enraged partner until the good doctor points out...
How is this possible?

And now we segue into next issue's story...
Undocumented immigrants with "ignited" powers?
This story by writer Devin Grayson and artists Chris Eliopoulos, Alitha Martinez, Meredith Laxton, and Djibril Morissette-Phan, from Humanoids' Omni #2 (2019) show that the cosmos doesn't discriminate based on race, financial status, or paperwork.
Sadly, many people do!
But Dr Cobbina doesn't!
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Friday, February 14, 2025

OMNI "Logical-Mathematical" Part 2

When Last We Left the Doctor Whose Brain Functions are Faster than Light...

...normally, I'd synopsize, but since Mae, the good doctor's aide is keeping a graphic diary, I'll let her explain what's going on...
And now, on with our tale...
This is what we call a "mic drop moment" and tell you we'll pick up the story...
Next Friday!
The series ran ten issues (six in print/on-line and four on-line only) as part of the H1 comics universe.
Sadly, the entire H1 project seems to have ended without a conclusion in 2021.
There were no new issues after that, and the company's website offers no further info beyond the already-published titles.
But we wanted to introduce our audience to the fascinating Dr Cobbina, and suggest they track down the remainder of her saga...

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Friday, February 7, 2025

CoronaVirus Comics UNUSUAL TALES "Incredible Advice"

Most of pioneering Black comic artist Matt Baker's work on medical-themed comics...

...usually involved beautiful nurses in torrid romances!
But not this never-reprinted tale...
This story from Charlton's Unusual Tales #20 (1960), written by Joe Gill, penciled by Matt Baker and inked by Vince Colletta has a weird Twilight Zone vibe to it.
Was it coincidence or fate...or something more that lead him to this particular old farmhouse?
Was the kindly old couple a pair of messengers?
And how did his sudden obsession with blueberries come about?
If we knew the answers, this wouldn't be such an...Unusual Tale...would it?

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Friday, January 31, 2025

CoronaVirus Comics REAL HEROES "Plague Vanquished"

Not all comic book heroes wear capes... this tale of Edward Jenner, the doctor who saved us from smallpox, proves!
Who says comics ain't educational?
Not me, kiddo!
This never-reprinted story from Parent Magazines' Real Heroes #15 (1946) was one of several graphic dramatizations of Dr Jenner's achievement which has saved countless lives since its' introduction!
Depending on how long the Covid-19 lockdown continues, we may have time to run all of them!
Sadly, both writer and illustrator(s) are unknown!
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Friday, January 24, 2025

MODERN LOVE "They Wouldn't Let Me Love Him"

The "star-crossed lovers from different ethnic groups" trope applies...
 ...even when when one of the lovers is a medical student about to become an MD!
But, Hispanic girl-Anglo boy relationships seem to have a particular interest for comics writers and artists...going back to the 1950s!
Both this never-reprinted tale from EC Comics' Modern Love #7 (1950) and a similar 1970s story show the woman leaving the man to avoid prejudice against her from affecting his career!
In the 1950s, it was disturbing, but in the pre-civil rights era, it was, sadly, the status quo.
In the 1970s, it was disturbing, but far less common.
In the 2020s, the resurgence of this sort of prejudice is frightening, setting America back over 70 years!
The art is by Wally Wood and future sci-fi/fantasy author Harry (Stainless Steel Rat series and Make Room! Make Room!, the basis for the movie Soylent Green!)
The scripter is unknown, but believed to be the book's editor, Al Feldstein.
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